Thursday, August 2, 2018

"Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin"

                "Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distraction, the gates of the soul open." According to the National Nutritional Council (NNC), the theme for this year's celebration is "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na nutrisyon aanihin!" Why do we need to plant vegetables? That's the question we need to answer.

                 It is important to take care of our Health in order for us to maximize our skills and talents. Taking care of our health starts by creating a Healthy diet plan and proper mindset.It all starts with making goals about having a vegetable gardening and sticking to it. Plant a exact nutrition with your heart for more crops, So that we can eat more nutrition foods and we can also save our earth to plant a trees to prevent flood in certain area. You must better to plant with care to get a great nutrion foods so that we can eat also clean and neat nutrional foods. I think the main purpose of the theme this year is to invest on something healthy so you can live longer and healthier. If we are strict on consuming a “balanced diet” food everyday, it can really help us protect our self from any viruses. Our immune system will become healthier than the usual. Remember that exercising also has a big impact in our body. It can help lower cholesterol, and it’s good for the heart.

                 Nutrition month is not restricting us to eat, it’s just reminding us to moderately consume unhealthy food (or better keep away from it), and helping us enjoy life with a healthy body. This campaign should be for all, not just for students, and this should be implemented every July, it should be everyday. Have a healthy lifestyle and live a better life.


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