Sunday, February 10, 2019

Kannawidan Festival "Insights"

This festivity has a great impact to the people for it shows how their province live and lines. Traders, Kannawidan is a place, an activity and a way of how their living worked and works. And for the community, Kannawidan is the best place to enjoy nature gifts. It is the best place to create a coalescing community. Kannawidan is a place showcasing talents, brains, beauties, and creative hospitality that we are Filipinos especially Ilocano’s have.

Resulta ng larawan para sa kannawidan festival

         Ilocos Sur, our very own province has rich and stunning cultures and traditions that we Ilocanos must be proud of. In order to showcase these, we have important festives just to exhibit and promote products of ours and precious cultures of Ilocanos to attract and invite tourists to come and visit Ilocos. One of these is the Kannawidan Ylocos Festival which is a week-long festive of happiness for local and foreign tourists as more entertaining events are included in the celebration. The Kannawidan Ylocos Festival had already established its identity as the prime festival of the province.The province has a rich heritage and unique cultures that need to be preserved for the next generations. However, many of these traditions, songs, dances and other Ilocano cultures were not already familiar to the younger generations due to the influence of the television, computer and internet. 

This is such a great and important occasion for all the Ilocanos. Because this is the time to reminisce our past, our culture and to treasure it for this is our identity. This is who we are, Ilocanos.


Change: Starts with me

Resulta ng larawan para sa change

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
 — Mother Teresa.

         One of the most unpleasant feelings one can experience in life is being discontent with oneself. Whereas we are prone to notice negative features in other people, we rarely turn our eyes on ourselves to critically evaluate our behavior or personal qualities. But if we do, we can notice many traits within ourselves we would not like to be there. I try to stay tolerant towards the majority of my personality features. Though, simultaneously with my positive qualities, I can be a lazy, irresponsible, apathetic downer. I learned to live with these and other drawbacks; but the trait that I would enjoy getting rid of is my tendency to doubt my decisions.

        The power of the mind is truly magnificent. We have come so far and learned so much, yet are still unable to unlock all the secrets of the human psyche and the human brain. The sad truth is that most people don't bother to think about things like this, most people don't realize the power that they have, the power to change the world.

        If you want progress, then you need change-you need to be the change. Cut all the extra junk that you have taking too much part in your life; keep things simple. Pick a mold for yourself to focus on positive thoughts, thinking of the way you want things to go-focusing on the reaction, the effect, that you wish to cause.


Friday, February 8, 2019

New Year, New Me

Resulta ng larawan para sa happy new year 2019

          We all think of the new year as something. It seems to offer us a fresh start, a chance to forget about what troubles are behind us. At the moment that the clock hits twelve, we all let out a breath and grin. A new year. A new start. We enter the new year prepared. We have a list of resolutions in our head, and we're sure that this is the year we'll make unforgettable. This is year we fix everything that's wrong. The date January 1 is full of promise, full of hope. 

          However, at the end of the year, we are always left unsatisfied. No matter how well the year goes, we are always left wanting more. We always think, 'Oh, I should have done this,' and, 'I could have done that.' So, going into the new year, we have a new list of resolutions stockpiled in our head. It's an infinite cycle; we make resolutions, yet we never seem to keep them. We see the new year as a way to start over – to create a new you. 

Resulta ng larawan para sa year of the pig

        You might wish there was some kind of magic to carry out your decisions, promises and goals. There is, and it is made of motivation, persistence, willpower and self-discipline. These are the powers that would change your life and make them interesting, happy and fulfilling. "Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be."
