Saturday, October 20, 2018

Develop the scientific mind, discover the world of potentials

          "Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements" is the theme of the National Science Club Month this 2018. How does this theme apply or relate to us? The theme urges everyone of us to use our talents, maximize our knowledge, and unleash our potentials so that we can contribute in the development, progress, and advancement of technology. We may not know it, but even our smallest efforts can contribute to our society, and inspire other people to take actions too. 

Resulta ng larawan para sa wavefront accentuating potentials activating technological advancements essay            For me, the theme means that we must discover our own inner potential so that we can contribute to technological advancements in our own little ways. Our passion for something can lead us to find ways to make our work more efficient. Contributing to more efficiency is a technology in itself because it helps us make our life easier.

            In today’s society, modern technology is evidently developing rapidly and it is portrayed as a negative impact. It can be seen that technology is a substitution of all characteristics of life. The purpose of every technological invention is to benefit the lives of mankind; thus re-enforcing the positive connotation of technology. However, in long term it may not be beneficial; such as, education, work and leisure are all becoming dependent on technology; cyberspace is dangerous and child obesity is increasing.

            If we discover our potentials as early as now, we will know more about ourselves such as our strengths and our weaknesses. If we know these, we can capitalize on our own strengths and improve our weaknesses so that we can contribute to our society. Who knows, we might be the next scientist, architect, engineer, doctor, teacher or officer out there. Regardless of what occupation we might have, if we accentuate and capitalize on our potentials, we can surely make a difference to make this world a better place - just like how technology does it. 


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