Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Second Grading Reflection

          I can't believe that another quarter had been finished. This grading period, we tackle on the internet access and HTML documents. These two topics aren't difficult to learn. I am so amazed by the tags we used in making HTML documents. Our teacher teach us on how to use the tags properly. I am so glad that i've learned a lot from that experience.

          Since the invention and popularization of the internet, computer mediated communication has become an increasingly common mode of socialization. Many people have voiced the concern that the move away from physical communication might have negative repercussions for society; however, socialization on the internet has a number of advantages over traditional socialization. The internet provides a larger pool of potential social contacts compared to physically seeking people, creates means for people to easily communicate when spatially or temporally disconnected and allows a comfortable atmosphere for communication.

          This second quarter was fun and interesting. At first, i taught that it was easy to make a web design using a notepad but i was wrong, as we continued further in our lesson, it became more and more complicated. I will continue to make HTML for our own web design. This grading has been an amazing and good experience.

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